
What's Next? Launch Survey

Launching a new project or ministry can be intimidating. It's the fear of the unknown and our inaccurate perceptions of what we think we know that become the roadblocks to following where God is calling and leading.

Often we feel like we don't know where to start, how to begin, or what the first step should look like. This assessment will help you better determine the answer to the question "What's next?" for you and your Kingdom efforts.

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 6

Vision and Purpose


Does your church or ministry have a written philosophy of ministry statement that clearly communicates who you are, what you do, how you do it, and how God has uniquely gifted and resourced you or your church to carry out mission and ministry in your current context? 


Do you know your spiritual gifts, the gifts of those on your team, and the gifts profile of your congregation?

Question 2 of 6



Do you have a documented strategy for how your vision and philosophy of ministry are communicated and shared internally with those in the congregation and externally with those beyond the walls of your church? 

Question 3 of 6

Great Commission Focus


Do you consider your church/ministry to be a healthy spiritual community focused on making disciples, multiplying leaders, and reaching new people for Christ? What examples can you point to that are visible representations of disciples making disciples? Where is God blessing your church?

Question 4 of 6

Missional Relationships


Does your church/ministry currently have a strong network of relationships in your community, outside of your church context? How are you identifying and understanding the needs of the community you are trying to reach? How has God uniquely called you to respond to those needs?

Question 5 of 6

Entrepreneurial Engagement


How are you engaging those in your congregation/ministry with entrepreneurial, creative, apostolic, and leadership gifts? If you have these gifts, what process is in your church/ministry to help you best use these gifts?

Question 6 of 6

Most Pressing Issues Today:


What is the most pressing issue you believe is holding you back from starting something new in the Kingdom?


What is the most pressing issue you believe is holding your church back from starting something new in the Kingdom?

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