Mission and outreach training to grow your church and reach more people, starting today!
Many Christians find it difficult to reach the unchurched people in their communities.
Fears about doing it wrong, being offensive, or not being politically or socially correct have paralyzed Christians and tricked them into thinking that the world doesn't want to hear about Jesus.
It doesn't have to be this way!
This course is based on 40 years of experience in teaching and training pastors, ministry leaders, and Christians in how to effectively reach out to the unchurched people all around them – people they already know and have relationships with.
In this course, you will learn how to build on the things you're already doing to grow your church. Learn how to use the gifts, skills, and resources God has already placed around you to develop effective outreach strategies.
This course is essential for Christians like you who want to grow your confidence in your ability to help your church grow and reach more people for Jesus Christ!
Join in this journey to learn about biblical strategies for more effective outreach. This training can be put to use immediately for you to experience the joy of reaching lost people like never before!