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Reconnect, Renew, Reach Out
 Learn how to reconnect with members, renew discipleship, and reach out to your community through this teaching.

Creating a Clear Philosophy of Ministry
A clear philosophy of ministry statement will help you share the story of where God is moving, working, and blessing through the ministry efforts of your church. Learn how to put clear language to carrying out the important mission God has called you to do.

Pastor Transition: Don't Do It Alone!
Is your church ready for the most significant change that will ever take place in its life? Learn more about this process of pastor transition and how Church Doctor Ministries can help.

Never Ask for Volunteers Again!
Are you tired of looking for volunteers in your church or ministry? Learn an approach to spiritual gifts that will guide everyone in your congregation to live and serve in their areas of gifting.

Reviving Christianity in a Secular Culture
What does it take to launch a movement in your church to reclaim a culture of discipleship and spiritual formation? Learn why we believe studying the consistent strategies used throughout England and Europe to reclaim Christianity as a movement is critical to the health and vitality of the local church here in the US.

Igniting the Mission: Effective Outreach to Families 
Many congregations that have these ministries do not reach many families for Jesus. The key to effective outreach is training workers in proven outreach tactics. Learn proven, practical strategies that maximize effective mission.

Your Best Easter Celebration Follow-Up
Learn five key strategies you can put in place to build relationships with those coming to your Easter celebrations. With a few simple and easy plans in place, you can make the most of building relationships with those who need to know Jesus!

Spring Cleaning for Your Church Website
Your church's website is one of the very first impressions people have of your church and your ministry community. If your website feels cluttered, now is the perfect time to do a little spring cleaning!

Communications Systems Best Practices
 You want to be an effective communicator, but sometimes it seems that’s an animal you just can’t tame. We hear you, we love effective and clear communication, and we love helping churches clarify their ministry message.

Beyond the Cardboard Elephants: Staying Connected with Families After VBS
Many churches lack an effective follow-up strategy that keeps them connected to the kids, the families, and the communities they served during VBS. Learn the seven key strategies you can implement to keep the excitement of VBS alive, build relationships with the kids and their families, and even reach extended family and friends.

Exploring New Ministry and the Possibility of What's Next
Calling all pioneers, creatives, leaders, and those who feel called to not just see new things done in the Kingdom, but join in initiatives to DO new things that will impact communities, influence the marketplace, and transform our culture: Could you use some inspiration?
